A bootlegged snippet from last night's show.
M.A.D.E. #17
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
Gay's Film Fund
As some of you know, for most of 2011 I've been meeting with television producers to develop a series for the small screen. The response has been very positive but unfortunately I have yet to ink a deal.
I've given this a lot of thought and have come to the following conclusion -For now, I am no longer seeking the aid of an outside producer. I've decided to stay right here on the Internets, with all of you and continue to produce myself. In order to do this properly, I need to raise capital so I've started a film fund to put towards my future work.
If you enjoy what I do and are in a position to give to the arts (i.e. my arts), please consider helping -whether its donating or simply forwarding this post to any contact you might know, who can.
To contribute, just click on the donate button to the left.
I love you all.
Your Gay
I've given this a lot of thought and have come to the following conclusion -For now, I am no longer seeking the aid of an outside producer. I've decided to stay right here on the Internets, with all of you and continue to produce myself. In order to do this properly, I need to raise capital so I've started a film fund to put towards my future work.
If you enjoy what I do and are in a position to give to the arts (i.e. my arts), please consider helping -whether its donating or simply forwarding this post to any contact you might know, who can.
To contribute, just click on the donate button to the left.
I love you all.
Your Gay
Friday, December 2, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
By Request
This is the first in a series of notorious speeches from Pop Culture that I'll be voicing over. Originally I was going to post only the audio (as a M.A.D.E.) but could not resist adding it to the actual video.
No offense intended to the lovely Miss Carolina.
No offense intended to the lovely Miss Carolina.
Monday, November 21, 2011
M.A.D.E. #16
Please visit Ernesto's blog Dolldom for more photos. I am so thrilled I can't even begin to express it.
Please visit Ernesto's blog Dolldom for more photos. I am so thrilled I can't even begin to express it.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Monday, October 10, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
M.A.D.E. #13
Thank you for the positive feedback on the Insta-Gifts. I'll be adding more in the next week or two. Will let you know in a video beforehand. Also, I love the photos you've been sending -wearing the mask and playing with my box. Please keep them coming! I'm so thrilled you're enjoying them.
Regarding Chexy Decimal's Friday Face -you can visit my piece here, which is accompanied by a wonderful fictitious story that he wrote for me. I love to read back stories and snippets that fans have written about my past -filling in the blanks with their own references and projecting exciting plots onto my history. Sometimes it's dead on and sometimes it completely off the mark but I always find it so entertaining and inspiring.
Of course you'll have to wait for my Autobiography to know the true story. As soon as I find a reputable publisher and book agent I plan on moving forward. I've been working on it for years.
A tell all.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Van Cleef & Arpels
Dear Mister X,
Thank you for the beautiful earrings that just arrived.
I absolutely adore them, but the answer is still no.
Thank you for the beautiful earrings that just arrived.
I absolutely adore them, but the answer is still no.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Small tokens to express my appreciation.
I love you all.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
A Minor Tremor
I'm amazed how quickly my cellular phone died after the minor tremor that just hit an hour ago... and I still can't make outgoing calls.
Luckily my CB radio is still working. You can always rely on 20th Century technology.
Never give up your land lines -Remember that.
Luckily my CB radio is still working. You can always rely on 20th Century technology.
Never give up your land lines -Remember that.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Fully Loaded
I recently gave in to the hype and upgraded to the GB1000+. I love all the extras but my favorite is the nail-file app.
How did I survive all this time without it?
How did I survive all this time without it?
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Tom Waits and Deanna Durbin -I think they complement each other somehow.
I put this together over the Holidays, but never got around to posting it in the Diary until now. A little Christmas in July for my friends.
I put this together over the Holidays, but never got around to posting it in the Diary until now. A little Christmas in July for my friends.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Gay for a Day
I always get sentimental when I randomly come across my old memorabilia on eBay. Clearly, some little boy or girl had a very glamorous Halloween or two judging by the condition of the box.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Gay Graffiti
My guerrilla marketing campaign continues...
The construction site was featured in one of my videos when it was a beautiful old church. Sadly, it will soon be a light blocking (I live across the street) 10 story building.
The construction site was featured in one of my videos when it was a beautiful old church. Sadly, it will soon be a light blocking (I live across the street) 10 story building.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Monday, July 4, 2011
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Today's trip is hosted by the underground Parisian artist Valéry Pasanau, aka Fancynot. It is compiled of imagery found on the web of yours truly.
I've been following Valéry's work for quite awhile, and am so honored to be a part of his portfolio.
If you have a Youtube account, please subscribe to Fancynot
I've been following Valéry's work for quite awhile, and am so honored to be a part of his portfolio.
If you have a Youtube account, please subscribe to Fancynot
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Dueling Judys
Over the Rainbow and through the woods...
Dueling Judys by Gay_Carrington
If the video doesn't play, click here to watch it on Youtube.
Dueling Judys by Gay_Carrington
If the video doesn't play, click here to watch it on Youtube.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Happy Days
Micro Audio Diary Entry #11
Grab a cocktail or whatever else floats your duck and join me. Happy Days can be found here -it's perfect for a late night. I was especially moved by Mr. Jacotey's dramatic piece during the intro. (Thank you, Georges)
Have a fantastic weekend.
Micro Audio Diary Entries,
Portraits of Gay
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
What Will I Do?
What won't I do is more like it.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
A Toast to Elizabeth
Micro Audio Diary Entries,
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Dead Celebs,
Micro Audio Diary Entries,
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Dear Everyone,
In light of the devastation in Japan, I will not be posting a Micro Audio Diary Entry this weekend.
Instead, I ask that visitors to my blog please consider making a charitable donation to one of the many organizations set up to help in the Disaster Relief Effort.
For a list of legitimate charities, please click here.
My heart breaks for the people of Japan and all others affected by this horrific catastrophe. Keep the ones you love close.
XX, Gay
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Carrington and Franco
I know James Franco and I will work together at some point in the near future. It just seems like such an obvious pairing.
A given, really.
Our paths crossed a few months ago when we were both involved in the New York Times Magazine project "14 Actors Acting," and although my version may have been slightly unofficial, one can clearly imagine the intense chemistry between us had we shared the scene.
For a taste of what could be, play both videos simultaneously and mute your computer.
A given, really.
Our paths crossed a few months ago when we were both involved in the New York Times Magazine project "14 Actors Acting," and although my version may have been slightly unofficial, one can clearly imagine the intense chemistry between us had we shared the scene.
For a taste of what could be, play both videos simultaneously and mute your computer.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Twelve Essentials

Instead, I'd like to share a list of essential positive distractions that I know will help me get through the rest of the winter.
Or at the very least, the weekend.
Twelve of my favorite things guaranteed to thaw out frostbitten edges. In no particular order except the first, which will always be #1.

-Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque
-YSL Rouge Volupté in Red Taboo
-Red Wine and/or Vodka
-Rochas Femme perfume
-Mr. Bubble
-Petroleum Jelly
-Lanz's Lily of the Valley Robe
-The Soulful Moods of Marvin Gaye
-Knob Creek Whiskey
-Lindt Excellence 90% Cocoa Bar
-Green Tea
As a matter of fact I'm enjoying eight of the twelve right now and I feel wonderful, although slightly numb.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Oscar Memories
One of the greatest comediennes of our time.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Gay Carrington Exposed
I've enjoyed the podcast,
Vera Speaks, ever since I met the engaging Auntie Vera Charles earlier this year, and was particularly blown away by her insightful analysis of your Gay, from last night's webisode.
The segment I'm referring to starts at the 18:30 mark but of course I recommend listening to the entire recording.
And since you're already there, don't forget to bookmark it!
XX, Gay
XX, Gay
Thank you Vera! I barley noticed you calling me an old drunk talking head.
*raises cocktail glass
Cheers to you, Doll... from one to another.*raises cocktail glass
Monday, February 21, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Mary Jane in NYC
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Illustration Manipulated by Planet Hiltron |
This equals 140 arrests per day!
New Yorkers get arrested for marijuana possession more often than any other crime. Surely there are more pressing issues to be dealt with by our boys in blue?
What an outrageous waste of time and energy!
I suggest America legalize and regulate Marijuana immediately and use the resources to go after the real threats to our society -the food industry, "Reality T.V."...and perhaps the Kardashians.
XX, Gay
statistics source
Rockefeller drug law
Sunday, February 13, 2011
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Photo Manipulation by Planet Hiltron |
seems to have landed in a bit of a pickle with her new Gay anthem.
Her impressions of Madonna are starting to grate nerves.
I know Ester isn't exactly known for invention herself-re-inventor is more like it, and it works for Her. But copying from Madonna is like making a xerox of a Xerox.
There are lots more stars in the firmament from which to choose.
Some of my personal favorites for Gaga:
Debbie Harry
Joey Heatherton
Marianne Faithfull
Mae West
Unfortunately this controversy is overshadowing the message of the song -we are all just born this way and people should get over it already.
XX, Gay
Friday, February 11, 2011
Pretty On The Outside
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Portrait by David Gilmore |
Have a fabulous weekend.
Please visit and bookmark David's brilliant blog, Pretty On The Outside.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Saturday, February 5, 2011
The Wayward Starlet
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Photo Manipulation by Planet Hiltron |
But no dice. Now she faces Grand Felony charges and could be sent up the river again for three years.
The necklace was worth over
Two Thousand Dollars.
I'm no shrink but I have been exposed to a lot of nut jobs. My guess is that this latest stunt was a last ditch effort by her subconscious to return her to the safe and loving arms of a correctional facility. Away from the mind alterants, away from the paparazzi and the attendant pressures of celebritism. More importantly, away from her hideous fame succubus of a mother, everyone's favorite pretend Rockette dancer (AKA the only person on the planet who probably could have helped Lindsay long ago after the first signs of trouble but chose to party with her instead) Dina Lohan.
My advice for Lindsay, if she somehow manages to dodge a prison sentence:
Get away from Dina asap. Don't tell her where you're going, just run and don't look back.
Check into an under the radar rehab facility that's not featured regularly in People or US Weekly.
You're on your way to Frances Farmville, sister, if you don't wise up real soon. You have a load of adoring fans who will always support you - and a handful of people in Hollywood who believe in you.
You're still young.
Get away, get orphaned, get some help.
Good luck, kid.
Lindsay deserves an Oscar for her reality, really. Her true life antics are more riveting and well acted than any role she's ever played.
XX, Gay
Friday, January 28, 2011
A Snubbing
I will not be attending the Academy Awards ceremony this year.
I love you all.
XX, Gay
Monday, January 24, 2011
Farewell Jack
No one wore a jumpsuit like you, Jack. You were an inspiration and a true gentleman.
Ninety-six years old? I think he was on to something with that juicer. I might head over to Amazon and pick one up.
I suppose this means the Celebrity Death list of 2011 has officially begun. I really hope I'm not next.
XX, Gay
Saturday, January 22, 2011
A Little Advice
Pills, booze and live T.V. don't mix. Remember that.
XX, Gay
XX, Gay
Friday, January 21, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Dream Factory
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Photo Manipulation by Planet Hiltron |
"Add that to the list, Gay."
"OK, Gay"
I also need an assistant.
I watched fragments of the Golden Globes on Sunday. Everyone looked so tightened and tuned-up. I did not see one movie that was nominated yet, but somehow I knew everyone's name and everything about their personal lives. Celebrity has a very different meaning in the 21st century ... The internet is the new Dream Factory.
Began working on my autobiography again.
Must find a publisher. So much living.
Such a busy year so far and it's still only January.
XX, Gay
Friday, January 14, 2011
Thank you for watching.
XX, Gay
XX, Gay
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
I came across a story earlier on Gawker about how Scientists are close to unlocking the secrets of male pattern baldness. It made me realize that there really aren't any bald A-list leading men right now in Hollywood. Where are they? The only one who comes to mind is Bruce Willis. Surely there's someone a bit more au courant than Bruce I'm forgetting?
I wish John Travolta would come out as a bald. I saw him recently on Oprah wearing a very obvious wig -the lace front was peeling from the hot studio lights. If I had been Oprah, I would have gone to a commercial immediately and fixed it -I'm certain she noticed. Travolta has nice eyes. That's all he needs. Not a full on cinnamon wig fresh out of the bag.
No one wore skin like Telly Savalas! I just spent a very steamy three minutes with him on Youtube.
XX, Gay
I wish John Travolta would come out as a bald. I saw him recently on Oprah wearing a very obvious wig -the lace front was peeling from the hot studio lights. If I had been Oprah, I would have gone to a commercial immediately and fixed it -I'm certain she noticed. Travolta has nice eyes. That's all he needs. Not a full on cinnamon wig fresh out of the bag.
No one wore skin like Telly Savalas! I just spent a very steamy three minutes with him on Youtube.
XX, Gay
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Saturday, January 1, 2011
I'm sitting here at my computer, New Year's Day, sipping a delicious Bloody Mary. My headache is gone and I'm feeling inspired. I love when New Years Eve falls on a Friday! It gives me more time to recover.
Busy work week ahead -planning and plotting.... lots of pokers to stick in the fire.
Lots of noise to make.
XX, Gay
Listening to Piero Piccioni:
Busy work week ahead -planning and plotting.... lots of pokers to stick in the fire.
Lots of noise to make.
XX, Gay
Listening to Piero Piccioni:
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